Young Divas need to shine too!

Caring for your natural hair may include your favorite products, treatments, vitamins and trimming but you must not forget your nighttime routine. Placing your beautiful tresses in a silk scarf or satin bonnet is a ritual for most of us but for many especially children this can be challenging. Waking up to your scarf on the floor and your hair in an unplanned mohawk is never cute.  The company Silky Wraps hopes to be your solution.  I had the opportunity to chose a product from their beautiful line to try and review, so I selected a Girls sleep bonnet.  My daughter is too old for this particular bonnet so I solicited my friend Precious and her beautiful six year old daughter  Autumn to give it a try. After a week of trying the bonnet, I asked Precious a few questions about their experience....

Mslawanda... Do you normally have your daughter sleep in a bonnet?
   Precious... I normally do not put bonnets on my daughters' hair, I use scarves for her hair.
Mslawanda... What if any difficulties have you had with bedtime sleep scarves or bonnets?
   Precious...They would normally slide or fall off her head & mess up her hairstyle or cause frizzy hair.
Mslawanda... Would you recommend this bonnet? Why or why not?
   Precious... I would recommend this mainly because of the satin inside and the tie ribbon to keep it secure on my daughter's head. This is a very good feature that allows you to adjust the comfort level. I also enjoy the colors and designs.
Mslawanda... Any other comments, questions or suggestions?
   Precious... The 1st night i didnt tie the bonnet tight enough and it fell off during the night so I had to play with the ribbon to find the right comfort level for my daughter. It can get tight so be careful. Tying the ribbon to the side is also good to avoid it being in her face. Autumn loves the bonnet,  it stays on her head and she even wants to wear it in the shower!

I want to support the young divas in our lives so I reached out to one of my fellow bloggers, The Sistah Chick, of Our Natural kids and together we will offer you a chance to win a fabulous prize! There will be two winners. One will win a brand new Silky Wrap bonnet & the other a full size 3 piece Curly Q set (cleansing cream, moisturizer & gel). Use the rafflecopter below to enter! Don't forget to check out Silky Wraps's website for other bonnets and wraps  and Our Natural kids at  for info to help all the young divas in your life!

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