Strong, Beautiful, Powerful... Yes ladies #BornandMade

Leave it IG (Instagram) to be the place to find a great campaign! Beauty giant Carol's Daughter wants girls and women to realize that they are #BornandMade to perfection.  There is no need to look for validation, approval or self-love from anyone or anywhere because it's born within us.  I love it! The company has partnered with a group called I am That Girl to help spread the message and empower women to know their self worth. The website allows you to generate an inspiring meme with a picture of your choice. 

Although a simple slogan (#BornandMade) says so much. It stirred something in me the same way I felt when I first heard Alicia Keys - Girl on Fire and saw the Lane Bryant #ImNoAngel campaign. Women and young girls must be reminded that we have so much power, control and strength and we must release it to the world. We can't allow anyone especially ourselves to burn out our light before we share our roaring flame!

Girls Rock!


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