Huntsville CVB no Luck needed!

The Huntsville St. Patrick's Day Parade was great. I enjoyed the festivities with my mom, 2 children and hundreds of the fabulous Irish & non Irish parade goers.  There was a variety of groups, schools and businesses showcased as they marched through the Downtown streets.  We positioned ourselves across from Harrison Brothers Hardware and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Our second stop was the Huntsville-Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau to attend their 10th Birthday Party & big secret reveal.  The CVB had activities for the kids such as face painting, a sand box and even a chalking station. The community seemed to have an amazing time meeting new people, eating popcorn and simply enjoying the celebration. 

The big announcement began at 2pm with President of the CVB, Judy Ryals, announcing the new slogan "We got space" and introducing a few speakers including Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle & my mayor, Madison's Troy Trulock. After a few stories about the 10 year journey & the people who helped make the success possible they revealed the newest edition to the center- The Rocket City Selfie! So cool, you can now mark your visit to Huntsville/Madison county with a digital snapshot. The Rocket City Selfie is taken in front of a green screen and you chose what background from the area to choice. Then you simply email it to yourself, what a great idea!


 During the event, I kicked off my new giveaway - #MslawandaHSV, with the 1st prize being a Huntsville tee sponsored by the CVB! Yay..anyone who took a picture with and posted it on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag was entered into a random drawing to win!  So let's announce the winner! Selected from Instagram @jaactkey is my 1st winner!


I truly enjoy getting out and meeting the citizens of Huntsville & the giveaways will continue until the end of the summer!

I created a Flipagram with some photos from the day..Check it out!


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