Length, Length & more Length!

How do I get my hair to grow faster? What vitamins & supplements do I need to take? How long before I see results?
Length is a concern for many women when it comes to their hair whether its natural or relaxed. I'm not a doctor or nutritionist so I need to research to understand the way the hair grows and how I could help. The vitamins that have been linked to promotion of hair growth and/or elimination of hair loss are
  • Vitamin A or beta carotene:
  • Vitamin B to include B12 and B6 and biotin.
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Amino acids
  • Zinc (However, too much can cause hair loss)
  • Iron
  • Biotin
  • Multi-daily vitamin
Deficiency in all or many of these minerals can be a possible cause of hair loss or slow hair growth. Increasing your intake of these vitamins when you don't have a deficiency can also cause hair loss so a blood test & consultation with your doctor of health care advisor is recommended!
Many have an unrealistic expectation in regards to the speed and the time line for growth results. Normal hair growth for individuals is 1 cm to one-half inch a month and it may takes 2 to 3 months to see an increase due to vitamin/supplement mineral intake.

Supplements & vitamins aren't the only way to improve the health of your hair. Eating 5-7 servings of fruit & vegetables, drinking 8- 10 glasses of H2O and healthy fish weekly have shown to increase overall heath and healthy hair.  The external hair care is the area that we tend to focus on more with conditioners, oils and trimming but we must remember to show TLC to our internal care as well.

Ive increased my intake of vitamins and minerals due to my allergies to many of the essential foods like fish, beans & fruits...I must take flaxseed oil to receive my Omega 3s, potassium supplement (no bananas) & a high potent multi vitamin for the others....I have noticed many changes in my body & hair but remember I found my deficiencies! So have a blood test and add what you need not what you just read about! What have you discovered?


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